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Psychology For Nurses (9788177393514)

BY: S.K. Mangal (Author) | Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (2015)

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₹746.00 Inclusive of all taxes.
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This book is specifically designed to furnish the necessary insight into the nature, background and application of the subject psychology in a form and way as needed by the nurses in the capacity of students and working professionals. The book is written in a simple, lucid and user-friendly style and interspersed with examples, illustrations, tables and implications. Attempts have been made to integrate theory with the practice and application of the facts and principles of psychology by highlighting the implications of the related knowledge to the nurses as students and working professionals. The important topics covered in the book are: Unit I: Introduction (History, Scope and Methods of Psychology) Unit II: Biology of Behaviour Unit III: Cognitive Processes




Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers

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24 X 2 X 18 cm



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