This textbook is designed to develop basic understanding of the principles and standards of mental health nursing and skill in application of nursing process in assessment and care of patients with mental health disorders. This book contains knowledge, competency and awareness to deliver high-quality care that is sensitive to the needs of the students, patients and clients of this field. This book has the arrangement for the legal formalities and procedure of various Law and Legislation applied in Indian scenario. It discusses the complementary and alternative therapies related to psychiatric nursing also. This book also comprises the Impact of Pandemic COVID-19 situation on elderly people, youngsters and kids. This book helpful to those students who is preparing for the basic course in Nursing, others who will find the book helpful are health visitors, sister tutor and sister administrator. SALIENT FEATURES OF THE BOOK ARE: This textbook is strictly written according to Indian Nursing Council Syllabus. This textbook has been carefully written to ensure a lower reading label, more reader friendly and understandable contents than ever. Suitable figures are available for better understanding of topic. At the end of each chapter, relevant study questions along with multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks and true/false with answer keys are added to help the readers in preparing for the examination. Aware about the Pandemic COVID-19 situation and its impacts on the various sections of the society.