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Self Assessment & Review Of Biochemistry (9789366163697)

BY: Rebecca James Perumcheril (Author) | Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt Ltd ()

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Writing a book for Postgraduate Medical Entrance in Biochemistry was not a dream for me when I was doing my PG career. But when I started postgraduate medical entrance coaching; gradually I recognized how hard it was for student to learn the subject. There is no subject expert written Book in Biochemistry for the major examinations like PGI, AIIMS, AIPGME, JIPMER, or even state entrance examinations. None of the students had learned biochemistry properly or were not taught properly in their MBBS course and now for entrance Students were forced for learning from books not by a subject expert which are just pick some points from standard books without explanation or internet reference. Biochemistry is an evergrowing field in clinical realm. Around 20 questions are asked in NEET PG exam directly asked from applied biochemistry. My students often would come asking with doubts quoting some of these guides which many answers I found wrong. I aimed to write a book which will create a difference, a new approach to see biochemistry mere than a subject. As nine years passed in Postgraduate medical entrance coaching I made my own notes based on standard textbooks with clinical scenarios and emphasized on teaching to think and correlate rather than mugging up biochemistry. Gradually students from other institutes started asking for my notes and requested me to write a book so that they could also read it. This book is meant for it. I approached Jaypee publishers and they accepted my proposal, the remaining is in front of you.This is PGMEE book and don’t compare it to any standard books, but you will get up to 96% if you learn this properly. Biochemistry is a very vast subject with future of research, genetics, which will be overtaking the future of the medical field in time, this book is just a small flower in a big garden. I know that learning in my class would be better than reading this book but due to practical difficulties, it is not possible. I have done much justice in including my own made pictures and mnemonics to make it as understandable as possible. I wish that you thoroughly go through this book and gain maximum from it as it has all the points for scoring top ranks in major examinations. Wishing you best of luck for your dream PG in the coming examinations. Genuine doubts are always welcome. All the latest questions up to 2024 • 99% of recent questions and 96% of questions asked in various exams in 2019–2024 • Chapterwise divided, concept-oriented study with references • Image-based information included in each chapter's review• Chapter reviews based on Harper 32nd edition, Lehninger 9th edition, and Robbins 10th edition• Clinically correlated with facts from Harrison 21stedition, Nelson 22nd edition, and CMDT 2 024• High-yield points, mnemonics and tables for easy recollection• Online author support for learning and clarifications• Highly recommended by the toppers of all PGMEEs• Written by one of the best subject experts active in PG training programs• Thoroughly revised edition with the latest references• Must-learn book for all the PG entrance examinations• Quick revision after each chapter• Check list for revision • Written by an author with facebook study group comprising of more than 80,000 members.




Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt Ltd

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27 X 2 X 21 cm



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