Best seller on Amazon, student-friendly comprehenisve guide to pass the pediatric practical examination for undergraduate/ postgraduate students. Highlights of this edition: “Hyposkillia” (deficiency of clinical skills), threat of medical curriculum. can lead to difficulties in facing exams and delivering good quality care in clinical practice. In this edition, we have focussed much more on the basics of history taking, clinical examination relevant to Paediatrics from exam/practice. To achieve this, we have included authors from three generations of pediatricians: - The students/ early career teachers (2020ish) - inclusion of new authors who had recently finished their exams - The middle level teachers (2000ish) - as co-authors and section editors for the topics, updated knowledgeable - The senior most “Bheesmars” (teachers of the teachers, examiners of the examiners) 1990ish stalwarts - who shared their clinical wisdom and examiner's perspectives as key points· You will learn from all of them in this edition. Addition of: WOW - “Wisdom obtained from Wards” Key points in history, key findings not to be missed in examination MOM - “Musings of the Master” Common mistakes students are likely to make, important questions that could be asked pertaining to the clinical cases More in this edition - New chapter about exams. - Updated “TRICKS” to pass exams. - History and clinical examination are elaborated. - Updated and simplified section on Viva-VOCE. - Addition of new chapters in Genetics, Nutrition, Development, Hematology & Oncology, Neurology Endocrinology, and Neonatology. - Model case sheets in all chapter/ exam cases - to help in the exam case presentation. - Emergency/ ward rounds - included for the first time since some universities have this as a part of the exams. - Section of counselling - neonatal and pediatric conditions where counseling skills may be needed have been presented. Would be useful for the PGs and also UGs