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Saturday Clinics of AFMC 6Ed 2023 (9789359677347)

BY: Armed Forces (Author) | Publisher: Armed Forces ()

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₹2,000.00 ( -25% ) Save Rs 500
₹1,500.00 Inclusive of all taxes.
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On behalf of the Department of Internal Medicine, AFMC, and Association of Physicians of India - AFMS Chapter Society, I am pleased to share the specially curated sixth edition of 'Saturdya Clinics of AFMC'. I consider this book an heirloom, a legacy started by our teachers, which we now have the privilege to pass on to our students. The sixth edition of this book is an ode to those very teachers. The chapters have tried to cover everything from the expertise and skill of history taking to the newer investigation modalities. The sixth edition has many firsts in the history of 'Saturdya Clinical Meetings of AFMC'. As a user-friendly initiative, the case detials have been highlighted in color boxes, the clinical photographs presenting in original life colors, and every chapter ended with a commentary and take home message. This book has traveled through critical analyses, reviews by experts in the respective fields, and thorough plagiarism. We have made every effort to include the most up-to-date scientific content. As a new beginning, we included the best CPC over the last year, a new initiative in the College. To allow its outreach to many students beyond th walls of this insititute, the book is made available in the open market, in line with the first edition. Happy Reading and Jai Hind




Armed Forces

Publication Date


25 X 2 X 18.5 cm



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