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Review of Pediatrics & Neonatology (9789354657481)

BY: Taruna Mehra (Author) | Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt Ltd (2022)

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₹1,295.00 ( -25% ) Save Rs 324
₹971.00 Inclusive of all taxes.
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"Fully colored book: Attractive, reader friendly presentation of the theoretical concepts in the pretext with fully colored, high resolution images, placed beside the relevant text, to help in concept building. Concise pretexts: To provide concise, point-wise overview of all the chapters, along with high-yield points, mnemonics and flow diagrams. Three sections: In order to make your reading more well-organised, the chapters have been re-arranged into 3 different sections: General Pediatrics, Neonatology & Systemic Pediatrics. Exclusive feature for MCI/FMGE exams: Topics and questions important for MCI/FMGE exams have been distinctively marked with ‘M' for easy identification and revision. Image-based MCQs: Keeping in mind the current pattern of examinations, we have included over 500 fully colored images to prepare you for the same. Image-based questions have been presented along with the pretext for ‘integrated approach'. Latest updates: All the latest updates and guidelines in the field of pediatrics, which are potential upcoming questions, have been highlighted in the respective chapters. Most latest MCQs included: All the recent postgraduate medical entrance examination questions including NEET PG pattern questions up to September 2021, INI-CET recalled questions up to November 2021 and FMGE recall based questions up to December 2021 have been included and have been arranged chronologically to make the students familiar with the current trend. Authentic explanations: Explanations have been provided for most of the answers, Controversial MCQs have been explained in detail, discussing each option and excluding the incorrect ones for instituting analytical skills in students. Annexures: Important high-yielding topics requiring last-minute revision, like developmental milestones, salient features of important metabolic disorders, important genetic syndromes, list of ‘Most commons' and many more have been included in annexures. Online support is




Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt Ltd

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27 X 2.5 X 20.5 cm



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