For Engineering, Computer Science, Commerce and Management, Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, C.A., I.C.W.A.,C.S. Also useful for I.A.S. and other Competitive Examinaions.Many new exercises from the latest examination papers have been included along with hints for all difficult exercises. The book now covers questions upto 2008 examinations. Table Of Basics of Operations Research ✦ Mathematical Formulation of LinearProgramming Problem ✦ Graphical Method ✦Theory of SimplexMethod ✦ Application of Simplex Method ✦ Duality Theory ✦The Revised Simplex and Bounded Variables Methods ✦ Sensitivity Analysis,Parametric Programming and Goal Programming ✦ IntegerProgramming ✦ Assignment Model ✦ Sequencing Models and RelatedProblems ✦ Dynamic Programming ✦ Decision Theory and Games✦ Investment Analysis ✦ Queuing Models✦ Replacement Models✦ Inventory Models ✦ Simulation ✦ Pert and CPM ✦ Non-LinearProgramming