Exactly as per Indian National Council syllabus for BSc nursing course: This edition is structured exactly as per new curriculum prescribed by Indian Nursing Council for the BSc nursing course. • Comprehensive and complete: This textbook presents complete required content very comprehensively to meet all the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students and PhD scholars related to research methods and biostatistics. • Simple and lucid content: This edition provides clear and concise content about concepts and principles of research methodology and biostatistics in simple and lucid manner incorporating their applications to health care and nursing sciences. • Easy to follow: This is an applied, user-friendly and self-explanatory textbook with simple language and illustrative presentation to facilitate quick review and recall of important concepts • An example-oriented book: This is an example-oriented book, where numerous nursing research examples are cited throughout the textbook for enriching understanding about applicability of research methods and biostatistics. • Systematic and logical organization: The content is organized is systemic and logical manner to gain better understanding of presented content. • Multiple choice questions (MCQs): Approximately 250 multiple choice questions have been included, placed at the end of each chapter