The purpose of this book is to guide students in answering mcqs which are a part of examination in various universities, postgraduate entrance tests and other competitive examinations. About author: lalit k raiger, md (anaesth. ), associate professor, department of anaesthesiology & critical care, rnt medical college & associated group of hospital, udaipur, rajasthan, india. Table of contents: chapter 1: history chapter 2: anatomy chapter 3: physiology chapter 4: pre-anaesthetic examination chapter 5: pre-medication chapter 6: inhalational anaesthesia chapter 7: intravenous anaesthesia chapter 8: muscle relaxant chapter 9: local anaesthesia chapter 10: anaesthesia machines and equipments chapter 11: anaesthetic management chapter 12: resuscitation chapter 13: critical care chapter 14: blood chapter 15: investigations chapter 16: disinfection/sterilization and waste disposal chapter 17: monitoring special features: ? there are 950 questions covering all the key topics of anaesthesiology ? provides authentic answers along with explanations to key questions from renowned books ? covers anatomy, physiology and history in relation to anaesthesiology, and also covers anaesthetic process in relation to various specialties (e. G. , peadiatrics, neurosurgery, cardiothoracic, plastic surgery, etc. ) ? includes chapters on resuscitation, critical care and waste disposal ? an equally useful manual for theory, practical and viva-voce examinations of mbbs as we