Exam-oriented book with unique collection of last 25 years solved questions. Extensively revised and updated chapters to provide knowledge of present era. Consist of solved multiple choice questions (MCQs) and fill in the blanks, which are added by Dental Council of India (DCI) in latest curriculum. General Medicine, General Surgery and Oral Pathology are thoroughly revised and various answers of previous editions are changed in latest editions due to change in various concepts and inculcation of new researches. Includes additional viva voce questions with answers which aid students to enhance their skills in practical examinations. Contains Illustrations and high quality photographs with explanatory legends. Provides recent and internationally accepted classification systems by eminent professional bodies, WHO, National Health Programs, etc. Includes solved papers of year 2018 with better and improved answers. Questions are explained point-wise for clear overview and eye-catching remembrance. Illustrates H & E stained histological photographs in color plates which help students to understand the oral pathology section. Incorporates a clinical overview in various chapters for highlighting clinical applications. A highly structured, user friendly, systemic and attractive layout with enriched illustrations. Must-have for BDS third year students and PG aspirants.