This book is unique. The concept of such as programming paradigms, the need for OOPs technology, extending C,C++ at a glanc, fundamental constructs of the C++ language,classes and objects, inheritance, polymorphism, generic programming, streams computations, fault tolerant programming with exceptions are covered prominently. Every aspect is prominently illustrated with figures and examples which are well tested, illustrative amd impressive in the manner the solutions are designed. Key Features: Clearly explains the language constructs using syntax, illustrations, code segments and simple examples. Important concepts such as classes and objects, object initialization and cleanup, dynamic objects, polymorphism-operator overloading and virtual functions, inheritance etc. are covered exhaustively with well-designed programming examples. Details topics like templates and exception handling A chapter exculusively devoted to object-oriented analysis, design, and development. Explains the OOP concepts and their implementation in relevant chapters too. Table of Content: Chapter 1 Object-Oriented Paradigm Chapter 2 Moving From C To C++ Chapter 3 C++ At A Glance Chapter 4 Data Types, Operators And Expressions Chapter 5 Control Flow Chapter 6 Arrays And Strings Chapter 7 Modular Programming With Functions Chapter 8 Structures And Unions Chapter 9 Pointers And Runtime Binding Chapter 10 Classed And Objects Chapter 11 Object Initialization And Cleanup Chapter 12 Dynamic Objects Chapter 13 Operator Overloading Chapter 14 Inheritance