Management information system:The manager's view,Forth edition .represents a managerial approach to information system concepts and applications. It is a cliche to say that computers have become pervasive in very aspects of our lives.Networks, including the Internet, have made computer facilities almost ubiquitous.As a result managers have a major responsibility for determining their information system needs and for designing and implementing information systems that support these needs. At the same time computer technologies have created opportunities for managers to improve customer service, reduce costs, improve productivity increase market share, and increase profits. Key Features: Emphasize how managers can and should be involved with systems planning. Emphasize what information system resources are available to managers for decision support. Emphasize how these resources can be used at all levels of decision making and in the major functional management areas. Show how information technology can be used support organization strategy without overwhelming students with technical details. About the Author: Mary Sumner Southern Illinois U-Edwardsville Robert Schultheis Southern Illinois U-Edwardsville Table of Content: PART I: INFORMATION SYSTEM Chapter 1: A Manager's View of Information System Chapter 2: An Introduction to Concepts Of Systems And Organizations Chapter 3: Strategic Uses of Information Technology Chapter 4: Business Process Reengineering And Information Technology PART II: COMPUTER SYSTEM RESOURCES Chapter 5: Computer Hardware Chapter 6: Computer Software Chapter 7: Fil