Description A brand-new edition ofthe comprehensive Linux kernel reference with 40% of the materialrevised. The student will learn how a modern multi-taskingoperating system will work, and will understand how the open Linuxsources work. It covers memory management, interprocesscommunication, file systems, device drivers, and networking. Theauthors cover the basic foundations of the Linux OS, going underthe hood of Linux. The book is targeted to intermediate and advanceLinux students, who need to know how the Linux kernel interface isimplemented. For Sale in Indiansubcontinent only Explains how the Linux operating system actually works and shows how to program the Linux kernel. Introduces the kernel sources and describes basic algorithms and data structures, such as scheduling and task structure Now updated throughout to cover Linux 2.4. The CD contains the generic Linux core, rather than a particular distribution. Linux ? the Operating System. Compiling the Kernel. Introduction to the Kernel. Memory Management. Interprocess Communication. The Linux File System. Device Drivers under Linux. Network Implementation. Modules and Debugging. Multiprocessing. Michael Beck studied computer science at Humboldt Universityin Germany. He is now the director of software development for theDResearch Digital Media Systems GmbH. Harald Bohme, Ulrich Kunitz, and Robert Magnus also studied computer science at HumboldtUniversity. Claus Schroter studied physics at the University ofGottingen.