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Integrated Textbook of Biochemistry 2Ed 2023 (9788181915580)

BY: Indumati / Sowbhagya Lakshmi (Author) | Publisher: Paras (2023)

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₹1,271.00 Inclusive of all taxes.
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Key Presenting the 2nd Edition 2023 which is fully revised & concise, updated with recent and advanced topics. Complete Biochemistry covered in simple and easy-to-understand language. The book equips the medical students for Early Clinical Exposure (ECE) by providing the concepts of Biochemical basis of diseases; to understand and correlate the diseases with biochemical aberrations. All topics are well organized with clear-cut headings and subheadings; easy flow of text with Clinical Applications in the midst to make it more engaging and interesting. 10+ chapters exclusively dedicated to Case-Based Learning where case studies with a detailed explanation of etiology, biochemical basis, investigations, diagnosis and treatment have been incorporated. 700+ full color illustrations, 160+ tables, algorithms, highlight boxes, Clinical Applications included for better understanding and recollection, creating a pictorial memory. All chapters have dedicated SLOs, Self-Assessment Questions, Topics for Small Group Discussion (SGD), Self-Directed Learning (SDL), Vignette Based Questions, MCQs (with reference page no.) and Viva Voce questions with answers for better comprehension. Vignette Based Questions will help the students to explore their knowledge and enhance their learning. Includes Glossary of medical terminologies used in the textbook to make students get acquainted with medical words and for easy understanding. Recent advances including inflammatory markers of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for creating “Genetic Scissors (CRISPR/Cas9)” have also been addressed. This book will facilitate the students to become lifelong independent learners and critical thinkers to provide high-quality patient care guided by the best Evidence-Based Medicine. An invaluable treasure, a lifelong companion in your journey of medical profession.





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27.6 X 3.6 X 22 cm



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