The book deals with the various aspects of earth such as nature of earth's crust, mantle and core, continents, oceans, earthquakes with special reference to Plate Tectonics, crystallization of magma, and causes of salinity of sea water. It also scrutinizes the position of earth with respect to the cosmos. The subject matter of the book that has been described in nine chapters includes geomorphology, igneous petrology, economic geology, groundwater and some aspects of cosmic geology. Origin of the universe, inclination of the axis of the earth is informative and interesting especially to an inquisitive reader for understanding some fundamental questions, which have not been so far completely understood. A number of intriguing problems that have been discussed in the book include: (a) the disproportionate extent of hydrosphere and land; (b) superabundance of nitrogen and oxygen (amongst gases) and that of Si, Fe (amongst other elements); inclination of Earth's axis; (d) salinity of se