Impression Materials l Polymer Chemistry l Denture Base Resins l Structure of Metals and Alloys l Principles of Corrosion l Direct Filling Gold l Dental Casting Alloys l Dental Waxes, Casting investments, Casting procedures, and Casting Defects l Composite resins l Silver amalgam l Dental cements l Dental ceramics l Mechanics of cutting, Abrasive and Polishing agents l Steel and Orthodontic Wires l Soldering and Welding l Dental implants l Recent Advances in Dental Materials l Answers to self-test questions l Viva-voce/Review questions l Books for Additional Reference l Conversion table l Index About the authors: Dr. R. Kotian is a Professor in the Department of Dental Materials, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal. He has over 30 years of experience in industrial production, teaching, and research related to biomaterials. He collaborates with dental clinicians and researchers to develop and characterize new dental materials, devices, and technologies. He has to his credit many indexed research publications of high impact, awards for technological innovation, and is the recipient of research grants. Dr. M. K. Bangera is a T.M.A. Pai Doctoral Research Fellow (MAHE, Manipal) at the Department of Dental Materials, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore. To further her keen interest in Dental Materials, she completed a post-graduate Diploma in Dental Materials from MAHE, Manipal. She has numerous research publications of high impact to her credit and has served as an editorial board member of an international university journal since 2015.