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Essentials of Antimicrobial Stewardship (9789356961036)

BY: Apurba S Sastry (Author) | Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt Ltd (2023)

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"This is probably the first book in India on Antimicrobial Stewardship, shall be extremely useful to microbiologists, infectious disease physicians, pharmacologists, clinicians, surgeons, physicians, intensivist, general practitioners and pharmacists, and nurses. Section-1 (Core Components of AMS): Provides in-depth discussion on various core concepts of AMS including the integrated stewardship model, steps of implementation of AMS Program, monitoring of AMS Program, current scenario of AMR and role of AMR surveillance. Section-2 (Diagnostic Stewardship): This section represents the HEART of this book, covers numerous facets of diagnostic stewardship such as types of turnaround time (TAT) in AMS, appropriate specimen collection, role of direct microscopy, processing and reporting of cultures, accurate identification, basics of AST and interpretation, detection of specific AMR, direct susceptibility, selective reporting, breakpoint-to-MIC quotient (BMQ), etc. Section-3 (Hospital Antibiogram): Gives comprehensive coverage on various aspects of antibiogram such as data analysis software, routine antibiogram, various types of specialized antibiograms such as enhanced, syndromic, subtraction, multifacility antibiograms, etc. A separate chapter on analysis of MDR/XDR/PDR is provided. Section-4 (Antimicrobial Agents): Provides a thorough discussion on various antimicrobial drugs—their PK-PD aspects, mode of action, spectrum of activity, mechanism of resistance and adverse drug effects, etc. Section-5 (Clinical Stewardship): This section provides an in-depth guidance on various types of antimicrobial therapy such as empiric, targeted, and prophylactic. The exhaustive tables and flowcharts in this section shall serve as a backbone in framing antibiotic policy at individual hospital level. Section-6 (Miscellaneous): Covers AMS in various special situations (e.g., OPD, outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy [OPAT], etc., and One Health Approach in AMS."




Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt Ltd

Publication Date



24 X 1.5 X 17.5 cm



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