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DIGITAL SYSTEMS Principles and Applications 10/ed (9788131727249)

BY: Ronald J Tocci (Author) | Publisher: Pearson (2008)

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Description For this new edition, the authors have meticulously worked toprovide the right balance between existing and new material whilekeeping the size of the book within reason. This is a growingchallenge due to revolutionary digital technology. Industry'smovement from using schematics to using hardware descriptionlanguage (HDLs) to describe complex digital systems has renderedobsolete many topics previously considered to be foundational. Inaddition, new technology demands the expansion and emphasis ofother traditional concepts as it introduces many new tools andtechniques for developing and analyzing digital systems. Improved analysis of combinational circuits Expanded coverage of the 555 timer in Chapter 5 Improved coverage of signed number in Chapter 6 Greater emphasis on the synchronous counters in Chapter 7 More thorough coverage of state machines, with a practical example of a functional system Description of recent IC technology in Chapter 8 Revised and improved VHDL coverage Introductory Concepts Number Systems and Codes Describing Logic Circuits Combinational Logic Circuits Flip-Flops and their Applications Digital Arithmetic: Operations and Circuits Counters and Registers Integrated-Circuit Logic Families MSI Logic Circuits Interfacing with the Analog World Memory Devices Logic Circuits Description Using V DL Programmable Logic Device Architectures Digital System Projects Using VHDL





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28 X 3.3 X 21.7 cm



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