Get the Edge! Designed to Deliver! One Book all Solutions! Key Features: A comprehensive book of Basic & Clinical Sciences, which has everything for PG Dental entrance examination. This combined edition has been rejuvenated to meet the challenges of current PG entrance exams such as NEET and INI-CET (Institute of National Importance Combined Entrance Test). Written in easy and simple language which can be easily grasped. Updated with latest questions from recent exams of various boards & universities. Duly organized contents presented as potential MCQs, with answers explained point wise for rapid revision. Designed & sculpted from the experience of the toppers. Many flowcharts, boxes and tables included for graphic representation of the topics. Facts and logic behind the questions are elucidated. A compendium followed for the Army Corps, DBE, ADC, Board Interviews of Gulf Nations and for many International Boards. High-yield facts and Key points included for self-assessment and quick review. Plenty of colour photographs added to aid comprehension. An enriching resource & topper's choice designed exclusively to meet the requirements of NEET, other Boards and Service Commission exams.