This book is an attempt to provide an in-depth insight into the concepts, theories and techniques of cost ascertainment, and their application to planning, control, performance evaluation, and decision making. The authors have adopted a lucid, non-mathematical, problem-and-solution approach to explain various aspects of cost accounting, in a comprehensive manner. Key Features: Concise, simple writing style Large number of real-life, illustrative solved problems Chapter-end exercises, containing class-tested problems Answers to numerical problems in the chapter-end exercises Step-by-step explanation of concepts using examples Detailed bibliography and index About the Author: P K Jain Dalmia Chair Professor and Professor of Finance, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Earlier he served as Head, Department of Management Studies. He has more than 25 years of teaching and research experience. M Y Khan Professor of Finance and Formerly Dean, Faculty of Business, and Head, Department of Financial Studies, University of Delhi. He has a Ph D in Industrial Finance and has more than 35 years of teaching and research experience. Table of Content: PART I: INTRODUCTION Chapter 1. Cost Accounting - An Overview Chapter 2. Cost Concepts PART II: PRODUCT COSTING Chapter 3. Costing and Control of Materials Chapter 4. Costing and Control of Labors Chapter 5. Costing and Control of Factory