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Comprehensive Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing-I Bsc Nursing, 1/Ed. (9789374736869)

BY: M.P. SHARMA (Author) | Publisher: Aitbs Publishers (2021)

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This textbook contains essential information that readers need to prepare for lectures, classroom activities, examinations, clinical assignments and effective nursing care for patients. Its primary objective is to provide knowledge about disease conditions and their management. This textbook has been carefully written to ensure a lower reading level and more reader-friendly and understandable contents than ever. This book covers all major diseases of body systems. This book fulfills all the requirements of Undergraduate (UG), Postgraduate (PG), Educator, Researcher and Paramedical Professionals. SALIENT FEATURES OF THE BOOK ARE: This book contains 13 chapters, each providing a description of a major body system and the diseases and disorders which can affect that system. A brief review of anatomy and physiology, focusing on information that will promote understanding of nursing care. Disease conditions cover DEFINITION, INCIDENCE, ETIOLOGY, PATHOPHYSIOLOGY, CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS, DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION, MANAGEMENT, HEALTH EDUCATION, PREVENTION AND COMPLICATIONS. Special and alternative therapies are mentioned for each system. Therapeutic and Nursing procedures are explained at the end of each chapter. Suitable figures are available for better understanding of topic. Lists of drugs are prepared for better understanding their action and importance in treatment of disease conditions. At the end of each chapter, relevant short questions and long questions along with multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks and true/false with answer keys are added to help the readers in preparing for the examination. Detailed explanation of instruments for different operative procedures. Appendices include facts of human body, prefixes and suffixes, measurement units, medical abbreviations, articles of physical examination, endoscopic procedures, causative agents and incubation period of communicable diseases and sexually transmitted diseases, normal values of blood, pharmacology




Aitbs Publishers

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27.8 X 3.6 X 21.4 cm



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