The revised edition deals with the basics of communication systems required at the UG level in detail and in a user-friendly manner. The understanding of the subject has been very well created with the help of easy to understand mathematical usage in numerous solved and unsolved examples. Maintaining the same writing style, the authors have tried to keep the readers abreast with the latest developments in the field. Key Features: The book suffices the need of the two semester course on Analog and Digital Communication Systems. The text distinctly deals with the analog and the digital parts of communication systems striking a perfect balance between the theoretical and mathematical rigor. Analysis of AM, FM and PM signals, their generation and detection, performance and noise consideration dealt with in detail. Practical circuits related to AM and FM generation included. Numerous solved and unsolved problems. A new chapter on Advanced Communication Systems Analysis of AM, FM and PM signals, their generation and detection, performance and noise consideration dealt with in detail. Pedagogy Includes: 500 problems given in the book (solved/unsolved/objective type). 137 solved problems 155 multiple-choice problems 93 unsolved problems 17 true and false problems Table of Content: Chapter 1. Signal Analysis Chapter 2. Linear Systems Chapter 3. Probability and Random Signal Theory Chapter 4. Noise Chapter 5. Amplitude Modulations Systems Chapter 6. Angle Modulation Systems Chapter 7. Pulse Modulation Systems Chapt