The fifth edition of Child Growth and Development has been reorganized and revised- not only to make the text more meaningful to students, but also to create a better instructional medium for teachers. It has been entirely rewritten to include more basic and relevent information, to eliminate outmoded ideas, and to stress throught the importance of the family involvement in the care and guidence of childern. severaal new Chapters have been added to expend the material covered in the previous editions and to introduce concepts that reflect changes in today's society. in addition, the totally new illustrative program has been selected on the basis of fair and equal treatment of males and females of all racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds. Key Features: The Chapters have been reorganized to examined the various stages of child growth-starting with parents as they plan to have a child and proceeding through the early childhood years to the first grade. for Discussion, For thought, and For Action Question have been strtegically placed throughout each chapter to encourage student involvement in learning and learning and understanding the practical aspects of the material in the text. Many Charts have been added to include material of special interests or factual value. these not only provoke student interest but also summarize information in an easy-to-learn format. Career awareness has been injected into both the textual material and the illustrative program to spark student interest in opportunities in child care and development. Suggested Activities have been revamped along the lines of the new text material to give students greater insight into what is presented in each chapter. Metrication has been introduced with dual dimension throughout the text. An Extensive bibliography containing the most recent books and pamphlets on baby and child c