Key Features: This book covers the competencies falling under "small group teaching" which include mode of teaching as Practicals, OSPE, DOAP, Skills as per recommendations of MCI. The competencies have been discussed fully in accordance to UG Curriculum Vol. 1 MCI, 2018. To justify the concept of taking DOAP, Skills and OSPE sessions validated checklists have been included in the book. Relevant pictures of drug dosage forms, drug pharmacopoeia and formulary along with ADR forms have been added to give a better understanding to students. Elaborate examples to teach filling an ADR form have been included. Efforts have been made to explain the drug calculations by giving good number of solved examples. Through literature regarding drug prescriptions is available, this book is unique in giving ample number of examples of writing prescriptions and also for prescription auditing. the new curriculum has introduced Communication topics for the first time. sincere attempt has been made to guide the faculty and students about how to deal with these topics. At the end of competencies, Assessment section has been added along with expected answer.