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Beginning Linux Programming 4/ed (9788126515714)

BY: Neil Matthew (Author) | Publisher: Wiley India (2008)

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Building on the proven success of the previous editions Beginning Linux Programming, Fourth Edition continues its unique approach to teaching UNIX programming in a simple and structured way on the Linux platform. Through the use of detailed and realistic examples, the reader learns by doing, and is able to move from being a Linux beginner to creating custom applications in Linux. Advanced topics are covered in detail such as processes, pipes, semaphores, socket programming, using MySQL, writing applications for the GNOME or the KDE desktop, writing device drivers etc. About The Author: Neil Matthew and has been programming UNIX systems since 1978. Neil started with Linux back in 1993 and is currently working to encourage businesses to adopt Linux for their key systems. With an IT career spanning 20 years including wired and radio communications and technology consultancy, Neil is currently working as a Systems Architect for Celesio, a European multi-national pharmaceutical wholesaler and retailer. Richard Stones has been programming UNIX-like operating systems since he first tangled with a PDP11/23+, but upgraded to Linux when he discovered the Slackware .99 CD distributions. Rick has programmed applications from embedded real-time systems through to financial applications, in a variety of languages, but prefers C, PHP, SQL and Perl. He works as a Systems Architect for Celesio, a European multi-national pharmaceutical wholesaler and retailer. Table Of Contents: Acknowledgements Foreword Introduction ?Getting Started ?Shell Programming ?Working with Files ?The Linux Environment ?Terminals ?Managing Text-Based Screens with curses ?Data Management ?MySQL ?Development Tools ?Debugging ?Processes and Signals ?POSIX Threads ?Inter-Process Communication: Pipes ?Semaphores, Shared Memory, and Message Queues ?Sockets ?Programming GNOME Using GTK+ ?Programming KDE Using Qt ?Standards for Linux Index Special Features: ?Hobbyists ?Students ?Enterprise professionals




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