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Bedside Clinics in Surgery 4Ed 2023 (9789354657597)

BY: Makhan Lal Saha (Author) | Publisher: Jaypee (2022)

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₹1,595.00 ( -25% ) Save Rs 399
₹1,196.00 Inclusive of all taxes.
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Practically almost all the sections have been revised.
Special emphasis is given for elicitation of different physical signs.
All surgical problems -emergency and non-emergency are discussed including important X-ray plates.
Operating section includes all the steps of important operations.
The TNM classification of all the malignant tumors has been updated.
Surgical anatomy section discussed exclusive hand drawn illustrations and tried to correlate the anatomy portion with short and long cases.
All the short and long cases are discussed with lots of color photographs and schematic diagrams.
What is NEW in the Third Edition?
The concept of exact measurement of a swelling has been incorporated by using a Vernier caliper instead of a tape measurement.
A new long case on management of diabetic foot has been added in the long case section.
In X-ray section interpretation of mammography has been added.
In surgical anatomy section, lower leg compartments and cervical fascia have been added.
About 30-40 new figures added as per the requirement of the main text.





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26.8 X 3.8 X 21 cm



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