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Basic Methods of Medical Research (9788174733351)

BY: Abhaya Indrayan (Author) | Publisher: Aitbs Publishers (2018)

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Table of contents 1. Understand the basics of medical research 2. Prepare the research protocol 3. Review the existing information 4. Identify and assess medical uncertainties in the investigation 5. Control uncertainties by evolving a good design 6. Exercise additional care in medical experiments and clinical trials 7. Draw an adequate sample 8. Collect, record and collate the data 9. Assess health and disease 10. Measure degree of uncertainty in the results by odds and risk 11. Evaluate statistical significance, confidence intervals and robustness 12. Assess relationship and cause-effect 13. Present results effectively 14. Write an impressive manuscript of a thesis/paper 15. Follow reporting ethics glossary of methodological terms




Aitbs Publishers

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24.5 X 2 X 18.5 cm



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